Let’s Talk Business To get started, tell us more about your business below to confirm we’re a good fit. Then we’ll reach out to schedule your free consultation call. Need to talk about your taxes? Click Here. Step 1 of 5 20% Name(Required) First Last Company Name(Required) Email(Required) Phone(Required)Hidden_gcl_aw Hidden_gcl_dc Hiddengac What type of business do you have?(Required) How long have you been in business and why did you start your business?(Required) What is your entity structure?(Required) Sole Proprietor LLC Partnership S Corporation C Corporation Other What is your annual revenue?(Required) $0-$100K $100K- $250K $250K- $500K $500K-$1 Million $1 Million -$2 Million $2 Million - $3 Million $3 Million - $4 Million $4 Million+ What are your revenue growth goals?(Required) How have you been keeping books?(Required) Excel QuickBooks Desktop/Online Not currently keeping books Other accounting software What is the current trend of your company(Required) Growing Flat Declining Which CPA services are you interested in?(Required) Advisory Bookkeeping Payroll Tax Preparation Do you need other services not listed above?(Required) Which type of packaged service are you seeking(Required) Monthly packaged service Quarterly packaged service Annual packaged service None What are your goals for your business?(Required) What is the biggest challenge you are having right now in your business?(Required) What do you always wish in your perfect relationship with your CPA?(Required) Would you prefer an in-person or virtual (Zoom) consultation?(Required) In-person Consultation (Located in our office) Virtual Consultation How did you hear about us? Additional CommentsCAPTCHA